
Showing posts from 2010

Comparison of the AUG & M416 in BC2

Comparing the two best assault rifles in BC2. The AUG has slightly better damage than the M416. The M416 has significantly better accuracy. Rate of fire is essentially the same between them. I think which you like better is probably going to depend on the recoil speed and user preference. I like a rifle that recovers from recoil quickly, but that is usually at the cost of a quick muzzle rise. Some people like a slower rise but I find I get killed waiting on the muzzle to come down on such guns. The M60 being a good example. Really comes down to preference.

Comparison of All BC2 Shotguns

In our BC2 comparison, we have both pump and semi-auto designs to consider. Lets take a look at the semi-auto shotguns first. Keep in mind the Remington 870 “Wingmaster” is used as the yardstick for the purposes of this article. The big difference between our yardstick and the semi-autos is the damage rating. The semi-auto’s are down rated far enough to make them a two shot gun - per game kill. Since the rate of fire is fast enough it is not a problem. However, every time you shoot, to be effective, it will have to be a double tap. This chews through a magazine load quickly. So using the magazine extender option is a good idea, though you will be trading off the magnum load option. You may want to experiment with the two options to find which setup works best for you. The accuracy is down rated in the semi-autos for what reason I cannot fathom. However, it is so slight a difference as to be of no consequence. I must confess, the NS 2000 is my favorite shotgun in BC2. The idea of a ...

Light Machine Gun Lessons Learned

In BFBC2 I often find I get killed when my weapon has excessive recoil. A case in point is the M60 versus the T88. Here is what I said before: Bad Company 2 has many weapons that are similar in performance in the game. Of the more desirable guns. we will compare those that are a close match. Let’s start with the big boys of the LMG group the M60 and the T88. The M60 leads in damage by a small amount. The M60 leads the T88 in accuracy by a significant margin. However, the T88 has the lead in rate of fire, although a small one. I believe this is a case of "fast in fine but accuracy is final." What I found in practice is that the accuracy difference is noticeable but can be over come by a longer burst. Usually, my opponent will stay frozen long enough for this when receiving my fire. But, with the M60 and using the 4x ACOG scope, and shooting at any range other than close in, forces me to single shots. The M60 recoil recovery is slow enough to allow the opponent to return fire ...

The Importance Of Teamwork In Combat Gaming

Won all my teamwork insignia's late last month in Battlefield Bad Company 2 (BFBC2). My kill death ratio hovers around 0.53 because I do not hesitate to do a suicide run if it will further the team's progress on a map. So many times I have watched M-Comms blow up while defenders were within a few steps of it. I can only assume that they are not willing to take the chance and save the M-Comm. That kind of behavior burns me up. Certainly the type of player I would not want in TIT. I can boast that no one in TIT plays that kind of game. It affects the game type, effectively turning a Rush or Conquest game into an extended Team Deathmatch. Possibly one of the most boring types of game play I can think of. Last night in Walking Dead Army's (WDA) server there was great game play. Conquest was very challenging because all the locations were hotly contested. Often, the ownership of various conquests would alternate from one team to the other. This gave excellent game play. As us...

Battle Rifle Comparison in BFBC2

The top two battle rifles are the M416  and the M16A2. As you can see each has  its own points. The damage the 416 has is significantly higher per bullet than the M16A2. This gets back to my gripe with the game designers. The A2 has a longer barrel so would have a higher velocity and therefore a greater damage potential. Likewise they knocked down the accuracy on the 416, I am guessing because of the shorter barrel. These two things go to show the designers don't know squat about guns. A shorter barrel has no effect on the inherent accuracy of the gun. It shortens the sight radius which requires more skill to shoot accurately, but the gun itself is no less accurate. I proved this to myself shooting 4 inch revolvers against 2 inch revolvers. You have to be little more careful about your sight picture during the trigger pull but the snub nosed revolver is just as accurate at the 4 inch. Really there is nothing about the way the A2 is rated that makes sense. The rate of fire is...

Light Machine Gun (LMG) Comparisons

Bad Company 2 has many weapons that are similar in performance in the game. Of the more desirable guns. we will compare those that are a close match. Let’s start with the big boys of the LMG group the M60 and the T88. The M60 leads in damage by a small amount. The M60 leads the T88 in accuracy by a significant margin. However, the T88 has the lead in rate of fire, although a small one. I believe this is a case of "fast in fine but accuracy is final." This image is available in my Google Pictures account at M60 Versus  T88 Machine Guns A sub-class of the LMG group are the smaller light machine guns derived from standard carry weapons. The top two in this group  are the MG36 and the XM8. This comparison is very close, they are a virtual tie in damage and rate of fire. The MG36 has a small advantage in accuracy over the XM8. I suspect this is due to the built in red dot scope on the MG36. This image is available in my Google Pictures account at MG36 Versus XM8 LMG

Interesting Game Controller By Split Fish

Split Fish, I think, is a German company. At least the website gave me that impression. Split Fish Website They primarily make aftermarket controllers for the Play Station 3. However, they had an interesting controller for the PC. It has a mouse for the right hand. The mouse has 4 buttons, arranged in a cross for the thumb. I like that set up. Makes it easy for the right thumb to index any of the buttons. Personally, I would program them for sprinting, jumping, left and right lean, thereby putting all movement controls on the mouse. For the left hand this package had a controller meant to be held in the air not on the desktop. It had three buttons on the front similar to the way a console’s controller has index finger buttons on the front. It also had a thumb stick and a thumb pad, along with a few thumb buttons. The left hand controller has motion detection, an interesting design all in all. From PC Game Controllers Personally, I will stick with my trusty mouse and Belkin Nos...

Medal of Honor Beta --- Not!

I popped onto Steam a few nights ago to see how the DICE made Medal of Honor (MOH) Beta test had gone. Overall, some defended the quality of the MOH Beta saying it was in fact a beta. Most players who posted were very negative in their opinion of the MOH Beta. The forum topic is located at this URL: MOH Beta Test Discussion Here are some excerpts from the forum topic referenced above. CMC Quisition: Do NOT buy this game. It is terrible! O-Cactus: not to mention some of the little things made the game look silly. I noticed that sometimes on the screen it would say "killing an enemy". … Tr|pwir3: Yes the beta was real bad. Not even beta quality material. I canceled my pre-order yesterday. Mister Eveready: I've canceled my preorder twice. Once on steam, and the second at EA's store. This game is isn’t not worth 60$. $30 maybe. But over all the game is just hella boring. ... in my situation it was the lack of fun that got me. I really wanted to like this game,...

M16A2 My Last Upgrade Item In Bad Company 2

+ Tonight I received the last weapon upgrade in Bad Company 2, the M16A2. It is an excellent weapon that fires in 3 round bursts. Found it very useful for medium, even long range sniping with the ACOG scope. If you put the 3 round burst on a bad guy, down he goes for the count. It has a draw back though in close quarter battle(CQB). It lacks full auto fire. In Bad Company 2(BC2) games, with the hard core setting, there are no cross hairs to help you aim. In CQB encounters I come out best with full auto fire used while strafing left or right. That lays the fire across the bad guy and makes up for the lack of an aiming reticule. + Lets look at a comparison of M416 and M16A2 game behavior. + As you can see the M416 has a slightly higher damage rating. The M16A2 has slightly better accuracy and rate of fire. Though I would dispute the rate of fire since it is a three round burst, and not full auto fire. Usually, I will default for the better accuracy, but in practice I fi...

A Smokin Tactic for Bad Company 2

+Tried a new tactic in Bad Company 2. Used smoke grenades to surround the M-COM station we were attacking during Rush. Smoked not only the M-COM but, provided a smoke covered path to the M-COM from cover. This requires that you change your rifle grenade from 40MM High Explosive to 40MM SMK. To be effective you also need to drop an ammo supply kit before you start. It usually takes more than the default 2 grenades to do it right, so the ammo kit is important. Then start by hitting the M-COMM with smoke. Walk the smoke grenades back to cover. Then hit the M-COM again because it dissipates rapidly. Keep laying the smoke thick and fast until the M-COM is blown. +Also used the smoke grenade on defense. When a guy was on it I hit the M-COM with one rifle smoke grenade. Then rushed the M-COM and cut down the attacker before he knew I was coming. Worked like a charm. It also helps to protect you from the attacking team’s fire as you rush the M-COM. +As a medic, worked my way up to the MG3 ma...

Battlefield Bad Company 2 Updates

Appears BC2 has had some updates since the last time I played it a couple of weeks ago. Three are annoyances that have been fixed and one is an valuable change to game play. First, the spawn timer used to require you wait until the timer counted down to near zero before it would take your click on the respawn button. Now you can click it anytime during the respawn wait and it will hold your click until the proper time. It used to drop it after a couple of seconds. The second annoyance was that in the server browser, the server did not remember the continent you selected. Each time you searched for games you would have to reset the continent or it would pull them from all over the world. Now it remembers the setting. The third bugaboo applies to friend requests. It used to only work, it seemed, if both of you were in BC2 at the time of the request. Not very useful. Now the request stays alive even if the requester has quit the game. The last change, and an important one for teamwork, is...

Bad Company 2 New Player Tips:

+ BC2 starts you off with a very uneven playing field,  more experienced players have much better weapons, ammo and armor, making a start difficult. So play all your positions like you are a Sniper or Recon.  No matter if it Engineer, Assault or Medic play like a Recon. If you try to run and gun, like you would in COD or DFBHD, you will die and die allot. Medics by the way have great weapons. Work to get your red dot, your kills will go up. +Set yourself up in locations to give you the best advantage of surprise and cover that can stop bullets. Maximize use of cover. Set your Sprint key in a place that is easy to use with the W or Forward.  Always Sprint between cover locations. Read Posts on BC2 below this post for more ideas.

Made First Sergeant 1 Shotgun Pin x1, 4 kills per MapAnti-Vehicle Effeciency x1 Tank Anti-Personel Kills Pin x 3Took Numero1's Dog Tags


Battlefield Bad Co. 2

+ A few bugs have been fixed in the game which added to its playability. The other thing that helps playability is to play in Hard Core (HC) servers. It takes less hits to take down an opponent. In non-HC I have seen ridiculous stuff like a guy take two headshots with a .50cal sniper rifle, plus body shots then get up and run off??? +You cannot trust the server names or the game server menu when it comes to determining if a server is HC or not. The game labels it HC if that is checked by the server admin. However, if they have things like 3D spotting and mini-map turned on, it is not really a HC server. So look for those items in the Server Info under the black arrow on the server listing. A true HC will have those items off and will in fact have most of the items on the server info list turned off. +When you find a HC server, you will see a much better class of game being played. You will also be able to take down opponents with less than a clip of ammo. Beware! That works both wa...

Old Games, New Games

+ It has been near 3 years since my last post here. Still playing Delta Force Black Hawk Down (DFBHD). Still the best First Person Shooter (FPS) game in the modern battlefield arena. A ton of screen shots are available at the link: l3ushwacker's Screen Shot Page + Far Cry 2 is one of the best single player games I have ever played. However, the multi-player game was over run with players who had no concept of team work. This is too bad because it had the potential to be a great platform with the spectacular open world design and support for user made maps, similar to the Delta Force series. + Just begun to play the Battlefield Bad Company 2 game. It purports to be open world but in reality it is a closely bounded map that inhibits the ability to flank the opponent. The thing that burns me the most is that the game gives uneven armor and weapon capabilities to players based on the amount of play. This will serve to limit the number of new players coming in and causes an uneven p...