A Smokin Tactic for Bad Company 2

+Tried a new tactic in Bad Company 2. Used smoke grenades to surround the M-COM station we were attacking during Rush. Smoked not only the M-COM but, provided a smoke covered path to the M-COM from cover. This requires that you change your rifle grenade from 40MM High Explosive to 40MM SMK. To be effective you also need to drop an ammo supply kit before you start. It usually takes more than the default 2 grenades to do it right, so the ammo kit is important. Then start by hitting the M-COMM with smoke. Walk the smoke grenades back to cover. Then hit the M-COM again because it dissipates rapidly. Keep laying the smoke thick and fast until the M-COM is blown.
+Also used the smoke grenade on defense. When a guy was on it I hit the M-COM with one rifle smoke grenade. Then rushed the M-COM and cut down the attacker before he knew I was coming. Worked like a charm. It also helps to protect you from the attacking team’s fire as you rush the M-COM.
+As a medic, worked my way up to the MG3 machine gun. While it has a high rate of fire, the hit power has been made artificially low in this game. This ruins the weapon in my opinion. The two best light machineguns are the M60 and the T88. The M60 edges out the T88 in hit power and accuracy. The T88 tops the M60 for rate of fire. The differences in all three categories is fairly small as you can see below.

In a case like this I always err on the side of accuracy. As the old saying goes, “Speed is fine but, accuracy is final.”


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