Light Machine Gun Lessons Learned
In BFBC2 I often find I get killed when my weapon has excessive recoil. A case in point is the M60 versus the T88. Here is what I said before:
Bad Company 2 has many weapons that are similar in performance in the game. Of the more desirable guns. we will compare those that are a close match. Let’s start with the big boys of the LMG group the M60 and the T88. The M60 leads in damage by a small amount. The M60 leads the T88 in accuracy by a significant margin. However, the T88 has the lead in rate of fire, although a small one. I believe this is a case of "fast in fine but accuracy is final."What I found in practice is that the accuracy difference is noticeable but can be over come by a longer burst. Usually, my opponent will stay frozen long enough for this when receiving my fire. But, with the M60 and using the 4x ACOG scope, and shooting at any range other than close in, forces me to single shots. The M60 recoil recovery is slow enough to allow the opponent to return fire between shots. I usually lose in that situation. The T88, while it does tend to spray more than the M60, stays relatively on the target in medium to long range engagements. I went from a very negative Kill/Death (K/D) ratio to a positive K/D ratio when I changed my Medic from the M60 to the T88.