The Importance Of Teamwork In Combat Gaming
Last night in Walking Dead Army's (WDA) server there was great game play. Conquest was very challenging because all the locations were hotly contested. Often, the ownership of various conquests would alternate from one team to the other. This gave excellent game play. As usual I played medic and on occasion engineer, my two favorite roles. I like both because if played from a team orientation it can greatly advance the team's progress. The medic by taking chances to hop out and defib a guy. Knowing you are likely jumping into the sights of the opponent. The engineer must often expose themselves to fire an anti-tank round at a tank or armored personnel carrier. On most occasions this will draw the fire of either the main gun or the machine gun. The medic, and the engineer, must often expose themselves to hostile fire to complete their mission effectively.
Stefan.TIT and I team up as a medic - engineer team quite often. This is probably the most effective combination possible in BFBC2. The medic can revive the engineer, as engineers die often when performing thier duty against an armored opponent. If the medic goes down, the engineer can swap kits with the medic, defib the medic and the team continues on. This is possible if all team members are well versed in all roles. They just swap out and continue onward, trading roles back and forth, as the flow of battle demands. A good team operating this way can work their way from one end of the map to the other. Thow an assault troop into the mix, like SF.TIT, and there is no limitation to how far the trio can go.
Teaming up with WDA engineers and assaulters I had quite a night. As you can see in my stats progress image Bushwacker's Stats for 2010 09 02 .