Battlefield Bad Co. 2
+ A few bugs have been fixed in the game which added to its playability. The other thing that helps playability is to play in Hard Core (HC) servers. It takes less hits to take down an opponent. In non-HC I have seen ridiculous stuff like a guy take two headshots with a .50cal sniper rifle, plus body shots then get up and run off???
+You cannot trust the server names or the game server menu when it comes to determining if a server is HC or not. The game labels it HC if that is checked by the server admin. However, if they have things like 3D spotting and mini-map turned on, it is not really a HC server. So look for those items in the Server Info under the black arrow on the server listing. A true HC will have those items off and will in fact have most of the items on the server info list turned off.
+When you find a HC server, you will see a much better class of game being played. You will also be able to take down opponents with less than a clip of ammo. Beware! That works both ways. Use all available cover and sprint between cover at all times. Good luck on the battlefield!