The Yeti

- Bagging The Yeti On Your First Try -

I was either on advanced or extreme, not sure which. I think it was extreme though. There was a big build up about the Yeti. Like it as going to be an, forgive me, "extreme" challenge. One reason I suppose - the Yeti will one-shot-kill you. I think though if you know and use the tactics needed. Outfit with gear that will reach out and touch him. And you have characterized your sniper rifle and scope combo so you know where the scope's hash marks will hit at what range, then you should be fine.

The hardest part is finding the guy. He isn't a yeti, but the Santa Blanca top sniper. I looked and looked and admit I had to watch some videos to find out where he was eventually. The reason I couldn't locate him was that I was searching for a sniper from a helicopter. Well, the Yeti doesn't spawn until you find a very particular boulder and interact with it. Kinda spoils the whole search for the Yeti thing doesn't it. 

So, once you interact with the boulder you will hear a gosh awful screech or roar or whatever. You have a small window of time to locate him. They will show the orange circle over his position, and the orange area blob, even if it is turned off in your HUD. Honestly, if they didn't you would not see his location. With the camo, rocks, distance and snow it would be impossible to see him otherwise. Look, then take cover - on the double. He fired but I was already moving so he missed. 

Remember to use your drone. You can range the Yeti with your drone without having to expose yourself. Just release the drone and fly it straight up. That range will work as long as you don't fly the drone in any other direction than straight up. 

Take precautions like not shooting from the last place you were when you took cover. Just as you would in PvP. Crawl to a new spot, then ease into shooting position - go slow. I kept expecting him to see me and shoot. He did not react so I assume I was 'stealthy' enough. If he hasn't shot and you have a clear view then he probably won't shoot. So take your time, find the right hold over, and squeeze off your shot. In my case, I knocked him down with the first shot which took some time for him to recover. Do not shoot again from the same spot. Move. I almost waited too long. I sprinted to a new position just before he shot the second time and missed - again. 

Then I did the same as before. Once in cover crawled to a new position since he had seen where I ran. Use the drone to range him. Carefully, poked my barrel out, aligned the shot and bap! Took him down.

The rifle I used, the L115, has a significant amount of bullet drop. This was actually a good thing. I had to shoot up hill and over a rock lip. If I had used a very flat shooting gun, like the SR-1, I may not have been able to get past the lip. The L115 gave me a nicely curved trajectory which helped me get past the lip and hit the Yeti. Also, a rifle with significant bullet drop will spread out the range points in the scope more than a flatter shooting rifle. This makes it easier to pick the correct hold over than it would be with a flatter shooting rifle. The flatter trajectories scrunch the range points together in the scope.

Now, go up to him and hit your interact key again. This will give you the Yeti's snow ghillie suit. You are done.

I have read that if you use a particular rifle to take down the Yeti you may also get his weapon. I don't know if that is true or what gun you are supposed to use. So, it may be worth your while to do a little research before venturing out.

The video is 1080p/60fps so be sure to change your YouTube viewer settings to reflect that level of quality. I also suggest watching full screen. The quality is good enough to go full screen at 1440p. The video is short, about 6 minutes. Enjoy and I hope it helps you get your Yeti!


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