The Importance Of Teamwork In Combat Gaming
Won all my teamwork insignia's late last month in Battlefield Bad Company 2 (BFBC2). My kill death ratio hovers around 0.53 because I do not hesitate to do a suicide run if it will further the team's progress on a map. So many times I have watched M-Comms blow up while defenders were within a few steps of it. I can only assume that they are not willing to take the chance and save the M-Comm. That kind of behavior burns me up. Certainly the type of player I would not want in TIT. I can boast that no one in TIT plays that kind of game. It affects the game type, effectively turning a Rush or Conquest game into an extended Team Deathmatch. Possibly one of the most boring types of game play I can think of. Last night in Walking Dead Army's (WDA) server there was great game play. Conquest was very challenging because all the locations were hotly contested. Often, the ownership of various conquests would alternate from one team to the other. This gave excellent game play. As us...