Wildlands Network Station Assault And Hack - Under Two Minutes!

Tactics For A High Speed Building Assault  

A two man team takes down a network station and successfully hacks the network under two minutes total. The actual assault was about half that.

The team used an explosive, simultaneous, two floor entry tactic to stun and split the defender's forces. C4 was positioned at a ground and second floor doors to the building. The C4 blew open both doors at the same time. Part of the ground floor was open all the way to the second floor's ceiling. So the ground floor assaulter threw in a flash-bang grenade while his partner sprinted up the outside stairs to the second floor entry. This should blind at least some of the enemy forces on both the ground and second floors, pinning them in place. Defenders on the first and second floors were then subdued by applied violence of action, flash-bangs and firepower. The firepower came in the form of two full auto shotguns - El Silencio and the SASG-12. Both assaulters entered the building at nearly the same time. Both assaulters firing short bursts of full auto, 12 gauge, buck shot until all defenders on each floor were down.

 Once the ground and second floors were cleared, first man to the network portal hacked it. The other assaulter fought through, then covered the hacker's six. There was no intel on which floor the network portal resided. So this tactic let the team remain flexible, address priorities in a timely manner and maintain team safety. Once the hack was finished the team rejoined to clear the third floor and gather in a skill point. A successful, fast, network station take down!

The video is 1080p60fps so a full screen view is suggested for best viewing.


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