Reluctantly Giving Zombies A Try - Dying Light
I will be right up front, by and large, I hate zombie games. They usually turn out to be a excuse for a company to cheap out on the nonplayer character's (NPC) artificial intelligence (AI). That is why I was surprised how much I enjoy Dying Light. Dying Light did the - over done - zombie thing right. First there is the parkour system, simply superb. It adds a level of action to the game that keeps the excitement high, even if you are just traveling. The game keeps the challenge level growing with your level of skill. Zombies attack with varying speeds, strength, intelligence and reach. Some even use weapons. They are surprisingly good at catching you in a pincer movement. You learn to always watch your back, always. Use your mini-map, keep moving or gain a superior position. Getting on top of cars, trucks and buildings helps to thin out the most aggressive zombies from the herd. Then you can do clean up, but still keep moving. Circling is a good tactic with herds of slower zomb...