F.E.A.R. - First Encounter Assault Recon!
FEAR is one of my all time favorite old style shooters. It is also a story heavy game that tells a good horror tale. With Halloween coming up in a month or so, it seems like a good choice. I may do a series on it, depicting all the intervals. But, it won't be a play through. It will be telling the FEAR story with action sequences that add to the story and excitement. This video concerns Intervals 01 and 02. The first is mainly story background and some time learning what your character can do. I stuck to the story elements and cut the orientation bits. In 02 you start to encounter the enemy and are trying to run down Paxton Fettle. This is where the fight starts. The game was put out in 2005 I think. So the AI's aren't brilliant, but they can be tricky and very aggressive. If you play on extreme difficulty, which I did, you take a lot of damage quick. So use good tactics and be ready for anything anytime. Here is the video description from YouTube: FEAR is a story ri...