
Showing posts from August, 2007


DFBHD On 2007-08-25 As promised, the screen shots from the Saturday DFBHD games in MAK & }5{ are here. By clicking the link below you will open DFBHD_20070828. For the best image views, maximize your browser and then go full screen (F11). On the image website click "View as slideshow". When done viewing you can exit full screen by hitting the ESC key. (Click On Image) Blogged with Flock

Welcome to BuShWacKeR's Blog

Welcome! Blogging newbie here so bear with me as I learn. My purpose for blogging is to find an easy and free way to post all the screen shots (SS) by BuShWacKeR.TIT. Currently, the SS's come from the PC game "Delta Force: Black Hawk Down" (DFBHD) by Novalogic. DFBHD is a great infantry, first person shooter (fps), where most of the action is mano-a-mano. There are a few vehicles but their role is limited, unlike the current crop of FPS games that are more of a combined arms focus. This is the reason our team, TIT, still plays DFBHD as our primary game although the game is getting dated. So check back soon as I have about 45 images ready for upload. That is, I will post the set when I figure out how to connect Blogger to Flickr. lll